Technical Specification / The Fire Beam BLUE

The Fire Beam BLUE Technical Specification

A full technical specification of thefirebeamBLUE and associated components can be seen below, answering most of the questions you may have. thefirebeamBLUE is a conventional beam detector.

Electrical Specifications:
Supply Voltage 12 to 30 Vdc normal
Supply Current 5.5mA in all operational states
Supply Current 13.5mA in fast commissioning
Environmental Specifications:
Temperature -10°C to +55°C
Humidity 10 to 95% RH Non-condensing
Protection Index IP65 when suitably mounted and terminated
Mechanical Specifications:
Beam Head H:180mm x W:155mm x D:137mm - Weight 1.1kg
70KIT140 Mid-Range Reflector H:293mm x W:293mm x D:5mm - Weight 0.8kg
140KIT160 Long-Range Reflector H:394mm x W:394mm x D:5mm - Weight 1.8kg
Adapter H:270mm x W:250mm x D:5mm - Weight 0.6Kg
(mounts the Beam Head onto Unistrut)
Optical Specifications:
Optical Wavelength 870nm
Maximum Angular Alignment ±5°
Maximum Angular Misalignment (static not auto-aligning)
Beam Head ±0.4°  /  Reflector ±2°
Operational Specifications:
Protection Range
Fire Beam BLUE Standard Product 7 to 70 metres. Use short range mask for distances between 7 & 20 metres
70KIT140 Mid-Range Reflector Kit 70 to 140 metres
140KIT160 Long Range Reflector Kit 140 to 160 metres
Alarm Sensitivity Levels
25% (1.25dB) to 50% (3dB) in 1% (0.05dB) increments (default 35% (1.87dB))
Alarm Condition:
Obscuration drops to below pre-defined sensitivity level.
Time to Alarm Condition adjustable between 2 to 30 seconds in 1 second increments (default 10 seconds)
Alarm Indication:
App Status - FIRE
Head Red Flashing LED
Alarm Relay Change Over (CO) Contact
Rating 2A @ 30 VDC
Test / Reset Features:
Beam test function with App
Alarm latching / auto-reset selectable (default auto-reset)
Alarm reset in latching mode with App reset function, removing power for >5 seconds or momentarily apply >5 VDC to reset connections in Beam Head
Fault Sensitivity Level:
Fault Condition:
Obscuration drops to below the fault sensitivity level within 1 second
Power Down or Supply Voltage < 9 VDC
Commissioning modes, Pre-Alignment and Auto-Alignment
Beam turned off during Beam Maintenance
Time to Fault Condition adjustable, 2 to 60 seconds in 1 second increments (default 10 seconds)
Fault Indication:
App Status - FAULT
Head Yellow Flashing LED 1 Second
Fault Relay Change Over (CO) Contact Rating 2A @ 30 VDC
Normal Condition:
Obscuration level is above the Alarm sensitivity level
App Status - NORMAL
Programmable on/off
Head Green Flashing LED
Programmable on/off
Auto-Align / Beam Contamination Compensation:
Auto-align during normal operation if obscuration drops below 90% for the duration of the align time set (doesn't affect normal operating mode)
Beam Contamination Compensation 4 hour monitoring. Compensation data available in the App

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Extend The Range

Fire Beam Range Kits

The Fire Beam Xtra covers distances up to 70 metres, but with the addition of one of our Range Kits it can cover distances up to 160 metres. View Distance Kits

Fire Beam Extras

Fire Beam Accessories & Add-Ons

Anti-condensation kits, power supplies, adjustable brackets, adaptor plates and more. View Accessories

Fire Beam Xtra

Fire Beam Xtra

The Fire Beam Xtra is now our standard beam and features many new and innovative advances, pushing it further ahead as the market leader. More

How To Purchase

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If you are interested in purchasing Fire Beam products you can do so through one of our Distribution Partners.